Managing your finances can definitely be challenging, especially if making numbers add up isn’t exactly among your greatest strengths. Thankfully, there are now mobile apps and computer software programs designed to make it easier for users to budget their money and track their expenses.
Some of the following apps can be linked directly to your bank’s online facilities to help you stay on top of your bills and other payables. What’s even better is you can use these programs wherever you are because you can download them on your smartphone or mobile device. Check out some of the most highly recommended budget management apps below:
Yodlee is more than just your average budgeting tool. One of the first online money management tools ever introduced, it is designed to help you track your financial status and net worth online. The app can give you a report on your assets and all your financial accounts such as brokerage, insurance, mortgages, etc. The app also comes with all the basics—you can create a budget, track your spending, monitor all your online financial accounts, and access analytics charts using Yodlee. You can also pay your bills, send payments to another user, and receive eBills. The app also allows you to share account details with your spouse, accountant, or financial planner.
Mint is a free money management tool that can help you analyse your spending and saving habits. Primarily designed to help you budget and track cash flow, the app offers suggestions on how you can improve your financial life, as well as saving and credit card tips. A feature to to track investments has recently been added by developers. Mint can be downloaded to Android devices, iPad, and iPhones.
Budget Boss for iOS
Budget Boss is an easy-to-use iOS app that allows you to create and manage a budget to help you make informed financial decisions. Cash flow projections are presented through a graph, which you can export as an Excel sheet. Budget Boss is a paid app; it makes for a reliable tool if you are serious about setting your financial affairs in order.
Manilla for iOS
Manilla is a free app that can shows you your account balances and upcoming bills. It can also remind you about your travel rewards programs and subscriptions that you can avail. The mobile app is basically a handy organiser that keeps tabs on all your documents, travel plans, budgeting goals, and household events—making it ideal for home managers and budget planners.
BillGuard for i0S
Billguard is a good app to use if you would like to manage your credit card payments more efficiently. Using Billguard, you can easily access details about your transactions while ensuring the security of your card. The app also has a feature that flags merchants who make erroneous charges on your account.
YNAB (You Need A Budget) is a cloud-based management app that is available for Android and iOS. You can access your account via web or download the app on your desktop computer. YNAB can be used to record all your transactions—right at the counter—so you can keep better track of your spending and manage your bills.
These are definitely some of the most helpful and user-friendly budget management apps you can start using. Remember though, that the most important thing you need to achieve financial independence is a healthy mindset about money and how it should be used. Make saving both a priority and a habit. Be responsible in paying your financial obligations to avoid sinking even deeper in the quicksand of debt.
About the Author:
This article is contributed by Michael Vincent Money Hero, Hong Kong’s up and coming financial comparison website. You can compare a broad range of financial products - like comparing credit cards and choosing broadband plans.
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