Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Staying Safe in the Oil and Gas Industry by Cleaning Your Tanks

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Industrial accidents are more than just frustrating occurrences: they can be potentially disastrous and dangerous for employees and employers. In order to prevent these instances of injury, taking preventative measures and solving problems before they begin can help decrease the chance of problems and loss of profit. For those in the oil and gas industry, staying safe and maintaining the integrity of the product are the highest concerns. By having a regular tank cleaning and maintenance system will ensure the longevity of the product as well as the protection of the employee.

1. Preventative Maintenance

By regularly and effectively cleaning oil tanks, you can maintain the life and functionality of the tank. Tank malfunctions can cost companies huge losses in time, profit as well as employee attention to their other respective tasks. A tank malfunction can lead to leaks and more, which is not only time consuming to fix, but as the employer you are exposed to legal ramifications, and that’s where the real cost is going to be.

2. Sludge Removal

The material accumulation at the bottom of oil tanks is technically referred to as “sludge” and this accumulation can be potentially problematic if not properly and consistently removed. By using industrial tank cleaners, you can remove or regulate this sludge so that you can maintain the most product.

3. Decommissioning

By cleaning oil tanks properly, the ability to decommission them can be done quickly and safely. If not, decommissioning an oil tank can be become extremely dangerous and will require more employee time and energy to take apart.

4. Maximize Oil Recovery

By maintaining a regular cleaning schedule for oil tanks you can also maximize the product you have. Many industrial tank cleaners can re-use the sludge by converting it back to the liquid so that there is no loss of profit. By keeping this sludge to its lowest and by using the best equipment, you can ensure that employees do not have to enter the tanks or expose themselves to harmful inhalation or accidental injury.

5. Maximize Storage Capacity

Maintaining proper storage space for materials like oil is crucial in keeping employees and businesses safe. If the tanks experience pressure or improper space requirements, the product risks becoming compromised and will require human intervention to correct. This is when safety becomes an issue and easily preventable. Cleaning tanks is the key to maintaining the safe and good standing of your company.

This guest post was written by Steve Bronson in association with Triton Industries. They have pioneered anew kind of vacuum truck and industrial vacuum. More information can be found at


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