Friday, May 29, 2015

Why Losing Weight Should be a Priority of Australian Adults

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Living a healthier lifestyle to lose some weight can be really challenging and overwhelming. You may give up even before you make it to your ideal weight. Some people may laugh at you because you are trying. You may question yourself if you can really do it or if you’re just wasting your time. Needless to say, it is easy to doubt your capabilities and bail out even before seeing results.

Health is Wealth: Losing Weight to Live Longer

Obesity is becoming a serious health issue among Australian adults. According to a study released in 2005, more than 67% of Australian adults are suffering from being overweight. There are several contributing factors as to why majority of Australian adults are overweight or obese, and these include poor diet and lack of physical activity. If you are part of that statistic, it is never too late to pay more attention to your health.

Australians who are overweight or obese are most prone to serious health issues including but not limited to coronary heart disease, hypertension or high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and various forms of cancer. Overweight and obese people are also more likely to die young due to health complications. Losing weight may be tough battle to take, but if you put your mind and body into it, everything will be possible.

Road to Health: Fitness and Proper Diet

The first step to a better health is to commit to doing it. It is very easy to say that you will start living a healthier lifestyle the next day, but it is easier said than done. You need to have the right drive and motive when losing weight. Once you already have a clear goal, everything will follow. So, first, you need to go to the drawing board and commit into doing it once and for all.

The next step is to consult with a physician, dietitian, or professional fitness trainer to determine which type of diet and exercise regimen will serve you best. It is not recommended to take just any diet and exercise plan because it may not be applicable to your health condition, which can make you sick or injured.

After learning which type of diet and exercise activity is best for you, it is when the real challenge takes place. Now that you’re done with planning, the road to a better health starts. It is very important to stick to your diet plan; of course, it will be difficult but nobody said it will be easy. Instead of being discouraged, take it as a challenge and keep in mind that you are doing it for yourself and loved ones. Give up fast or processed foods, high sugar food and drinks, alcohol, and vices like smoking will not only speed up weight loss but will also make you a happier and healthier individual.

Eating healthier foods can only do so much; you must also pay extra attention to exercise. You may want to enroll at a fitness gym. In case you are too shy to go to the gym, you may invest on home gym equipment like electric bikes, treadmill, and elliptical cross trainer. You can use these pieces of fitness equipment at the privacy of your home. You may also do non-gym activities, such as running, hiking, swimming, and biking. The rule of thumb when it comes to losing weight is to burn the calories you got from eating. It is extremely important to stay active, regardless whether you use electric bikes or run around the neighborhood. Exercising will not only shed some pounds on your body but will also improve your health in general.


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